Affordable Housing Consultancy & Managing Agent

Driving affordability and promoting aspirational new build homes for all

At Highlight, we’re on a mission to redefine affordable housing across the UK. Offering specialised consultancy to housebuilders, housing associations, local authorities, and property developers, we bring bright ideas and stand out solutions that shine a light on affordability and illuminate the path to viability.

Championing good-quality, safe, energy-efficient affordable housing for all, we offer a fresh, future-focussed perspective that elevates standards, reshapes perceptions, and enhances community value.

Bringing years of sector experience and a deep understanding of affordable housing complexities, we help clients navigate challenges and achieve real, scalable growth. Our approach to shared ownership, first homes, and community-led housing projects emphasises collaboration and community benefit, setting us apart as not just a consultancy but a partner in impactful development.


Meet our Senior Leadership Team

Ryan Blair
Managing Director
Ryan Blair
Managing Director
Finance Director
Finance Director
Marketing Director
Marketing Director
Sales & Lettings Director
Sales & Lettings Director

Our Values

Guiding Principles That Define Our Work


With deep knowledge and experience in the property sector, we empower our clients to make informed decisions. We gather demand data and encourage residents to help shape the future of housing, allowing our clients to make better informed decisions and thrive in a competitive market.

Our commitment to authenticity means we present our clients and their developments with honesty and integrity, building trust through clear communication and delivering on our promises. We stay true to our values and maintain a sincere and open approach in all our interactions, ensuring that our actions always reflect our words.

We believe in the power of community. Through our work, we aim to contribute to the creation of vibrant, inclusive neighbourhoods where everyone has access to good-quality, aspirational homes. We are driven by the positive impact our efforts can have on society.

We want to transform the public perception of affordable and social housing in the UK. We aim to eliminate the stigma often associated with these housing tenures, promoting inclusivity and pride in all forms of housing.

We strive to continuously raise our standards and never stop learning. Our relentless pursuit of excellence ensures that we consistently exceed expectations and enhance the marketing and sales experience for our clients.


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